Saturday, April 17, 2010

Panasonic LX1-4-16-2010

Another album dedicated to my beloved prosumer cameras... hahahahaha

I love walking around and just creating artworks from everyday things or places I often visit and try to discover more about it.

I am contemplating to sell my Panasonic LX1 and my buyer just keep on asking for a deal... I paid $800 CAD when I bought it... and he is haggling me down to $150 or even less... tsk2x. Ohhhh...its old, its worth less now... I beg to differ, I have more possibilities making money through using this camera than selling it at a great loss. This album is to prove that this camera is worth at least $250... even at that it's hard to let it go. I understand depreciation, old technology gets cheaper and cheaper but if it's something still capable of producing amazing is by no means worth less. I love this camera and here's some images to show you why this camera is so dear to me.


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